
Age of wonders planetfall xenoplague tech
Age of wonders planetfall xenoplague tech

age of wonders planetfall xenoplague tech

Psynumbra is overall meh IMO, but seems like a great boost for Syndicate or Kir'ko. Xenoplague is for players who like to create swarms and add or bolster bio-weaponry (which is, quite frankly, already powerful on its own). It's a bad choice when playing AS amazon or Kir'ko however.Ĭelestian has interesting synergies in itself and with certain environmental hazards (enlightened and soulburn in particular), but I didn't try that one out that much yet. Good if you face amazons, Kir'ko or users of xenoplague.

age of wonders planetfall xenoplague tech

Promethean is nice if you are fighting heavy users of bio-weapons and/or in areas with a lot of fire- or bio-hazards. Some of the later upgrades are great as well, but you can get some of that stuff from the paragon NPC-faction as well.

age of wonders planetfall xenoplague tech

Voidtech for example is kinda cool for vanguard because the Echo-Walker fills a gap in unit-variety quite nicely. The "best" experimental tech depends more on your playstyle and what you are currently fighting. Prom also gives powerful defensive options, which are rather situational however. Originally posted by DarkFoori:Prom: pure damage

Age of wonders planetfall xenoplague tech